Tuesday 23 November 2010

modernist graphic design

Alexander Rodchenko
Linear Composition 1920

I feel this shows the modernist style as it is very similar to the communist circles and arrows crossing into each other. It is also very free in its design, the idea that you can be experimental as possible.

herbert bayer
"Building a House"
Screenprint from an edition of 70


The hard lines and bold colours are very representational of the modernist style.

Georgi and Vladimar Stenberg 1929.
Russian Constructivist film poster

The straight lines of the buildings, the dark contrasts of the yellow and the black I feel represent the Russian modernist graphic design movement well. The spiraling typography is also very representational of modernist graphic design.

El Lissitzky
USSR exhibition poster 1929

The use of the red typography in contrast to the grey dark background is also representational of modernist graphic design. The use of photo montage and the rectangular shapes along the bottom are also modern graphic design.

László Moholy-Nagy,
Composition #19 1921

The red colours and the straight lines are very representational of modernist graphic design, also the use of circles and curves in the design.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

The document

The Document

'Still there is something predatory in the act of taking a picture. To photograph people is to violate them, by seeing them as they see themselves, by having knowledge of them as they can never be; it turns people into objects that can be symbolically possessed. just as the camera is a sublimation of the gun, to photography someone is a sublimated murder-a soft murder, appropriate to a sad, frightened time' [Sontag, 1979:15]

Monday 15 November 2010

Critical Studies Image Analysis Exercise

I am comparing and contrasting the two images shown below. The purpose of the advertising image (The Uncle Sam Range) is to not only sell the cooker in the advertisement but also to celebrate America as a country for its achievements. The Second image is a propaganda poster, which aims to get men to join the war effort, the meaning behind the image is to make the men who aren’t joining the war effort to feel guilty by using emotional blackmail. The target audience of the propaganda poster is men, mainly middle class men, this is because, unlike the poor who had to go to war as it paid more money than they had had before, the middle class still needed to work, but would not earn any more money by going to war, and so stayed at home. It was also due to the fact that the war effort was lacking in men as conscription had not been introduced yet into Britain. Likewise, I feel that the advertising image has a target audience of men too, due to the fact that the man is portrayed in this image as the head of the table, the person that runs the house, as the focus point of the image is him and the cooker. However I feel that the advertising image has a wealthier target audience as not every American citizen would be able to afford this cooker, despite this, the fact that everything about this image screams America, it will relate to a lot of the population as they are proud of their countries achievements.  The choice of typography used in the advertising image is of a Wild West style. This alone relates directly to America, but also represents prosperity and the fact that America has been built as a nation. Unlike the advertising image, the propaganda image uses more personal typography, as the aim of this image is to directly talk to the audience. The style of the illustration for the advertising image uses bold, bright wealthy colours, to reinforce the fact that America has grown as a country in a century from when the Declaration of Independence was signed on the 4th July 1776. It also illustrates a typical American family meal, with the wife, husband and children. The fact that there is also a black slave in the illustration shows Americas wealth and status. Like wise the propaganda poster illustrates a typical middle class family, with the children sat with their father. This image too like the advertising image reinforces pride in the country as the curtains have the red rose of England on them, the chair has the fleur de lit stitched onto it and the picture itself contains a lot of the colour red, which historically represents military victories for England. The advertising image was produced at the turn of the 20th century when citizens were proud to call themselves American, it was also at a time when America was becoming a leading country in the World, and this is demonstrated in this image with the patriotic colours, the list of countries on the table and the wealth displayed in the room. The propaganda image was too very patriotic, however the purpose of this image was the encourage men to sign up to the war effort as there was no conscription put in place yet.